March 4, 2023

Protection need

Protection need

Our fundamental wiring makes us act in many ways that protect the safety and wellbeing of ourselves and our community. Protection is the psychological driver that assists us in producing behaviours and working long-term to meet

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Olfactory sense

Olfactory sense: Smell

The olfactory sense is commonly known as the sense of smell, the olfactory system interprets scent and odour from our environment, and contributes to the perception of taste.

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Visual sense

The visual sense: Sight

The visual sense is commonly known as the sense of sight. The human visual system interprets visible (to our species) light from our environment. Our brain interprets this light as images and processes these to understand

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Auditory sense

Auditory sense: hearing

The auditory sense is commonly known as the sense of hearing. The auditory system interprets sounds from our environment. Sound waves and vibrations pass through the air, and sometimes through object vibration, and are detected by

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